Should I choose a higher deductible to save money?

Hailey said:
We used roadside assistance for a flat tire and got dropped by our insurance. They didn’t even pay for the tire, just the service we already paid for.

That’s why AAA exists. They’re better for small things like that.

Our insurance told us we didn’t need AAA, but then they counted the service as a claim. It was frustrating.

Hailey said:
We used roadside assistance for a flat tire and got dropped by our insurance. They didn’t even pay for the tire, just the service we already paid for.

If the damage is below your deductible, the insurance company won’t pay anything. It’s better to handle small issues out of pocket.

That’s true. We never even filed a claim for the tire itself, just used roadside assistance.

Insurance is there for big problems, not small ones. Choose the highest deductible you can afford to pay if needed.