I Have a Lot of Passive Expenses and My Car Is the Biggest Issue

Hello everybody, I’m 20 and I need financial advice. I live in a country where the average salary is 500-700 euros, which is okay for the most part. My parents have a house, where I also live, and in the worst-case scenario, I could sell it for around 150,000 euros, but that’s not the issue right now. The problem is that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.

My salary is around 650-700 euros, and I get 100 euros in gas station coupons, which covers my fuel for the month. So, let’s say my salary is 700 euros. I have a car that I need to pay off monthly (100 euros), a phone (50 euros) both for 24 months, and car registration (100 euros) every 3 months.

The issue is that I also have normal expenses because I’m 20 years old. I have a girlfriend and friends who always want to party. My girlfriend doesn’t want to party that much because she works a lot, but my friends are all financially stable and have the money to party 3-4 times a month. I also have rust on my car that needs 500 euros to fix and some ongoing mechanical problems that need another 500 euros.

I just don’t know how to save any money. After paying off my expenses, I have around 450 euros left, but I still need to live every day, eat, and go out with my girlfriend and friends.

I tried starting my own car tint shop, but I’m still inexperienced, and yesterday I broke a windshield, so now I need to pay around 150-200 euros to fix it.

Edit: I also smoke cigarettes, which take around 200 euros a month.

Any advice would be good. Thank you all, love ya.